Please select exact size of your place. If you
need part of the place cleaned, please choose
hourly option.

Below you will find rates for general cleaning. This are perfect if you keep your place in a good shape, use professional cleaning services or for Airbnb properties.
We have extras to combine with general cleaning. These are great for move in-move out option, if you need to customize your cleaning or add hours for a deep cleaning.
Please also note that inside appliances cleaning is not included in general cleaning but included in move in/move out package.
If you need a custom cleaning service, we recommend to go with hourly rate. We charge $55 per hour for one person and require 3 hours minimum. 2 person crew is $110 per hour and 2 hours minimum.
For the same day cleaning service, please call us at 818-208-1698 to check availability.
(can’t be used for move in/move out)
1 person – $55 per hour (3 hour minimum)
2 people – $110 per hour (2 hour minimum)
Extras prices:
Inside oven – $29
Inside fridge – $29
Patio – $59 per patio
Balcony – $29 per balcony
Move-in/Move out package includes: inside cabinets and appliances, windows from inside, door tracks, baseboards.
Please check “Book Now” page for pricing on move in/move out package. Please call for the estimate if your house is 5 bdrm+.
Windows cleaning (inside only) – $5 per window
Laundry (if you have washer/dryer in the house) – $19 per load
Windows + Blinds cleaning – $15 per window
Same Day Service – extra $29, please call 818-208-1698 for availability
Deep cleaning – price depends on the size, please refer to our online booking form. Adds extra time to focus on areas that require more attention. Doesn’t include cleaning inside appliances, washing walls or inside cabinets. Feel free to select more than 1 deep cleaning if you feel that your space needs it and hasn’t been cleaned professionally in less than 3 months. If your place hasn’t been cleaned professionally in over 3 months, please add at least 2 deep cleanings.
We offer organizing services for $55 per hour per person. Please use online chat (bottom right corner) or call us 818-208-1698 if you’re unsure how many hours would be needed.